How to Clean Windows Without Streaks

Achieving streak-free windows can be easy if you follow the right steps and use the proper techniques. Here’s a guide to help you clean your windows perfectly every time.

What You'll Need:


Warm water

Mild dish soap

White vinegar

Sponge or microfiber cloth


Dry, lint-free cloth (like an old t-shirt or microfiber towel)

Spray bottle

Step-by-Step Guide:

Prepare Your Cleaning Solution:

Mix warm water with a few drops of mild dish soap in a bucket.

Add a cup of white vinegar for extra cleaning power.

Dust the Windows:

Use a dry cloth or duster to remove loose window cleaningwindow cleaning dirt and dust from the window surface. This helps prevent streaks and scratches.

Wash the Windows:

Dip a sponge or microfiber cloth into the soapy water solution. Wring it out so it's not dripping, then wipe the window from top to bottom.

For tough spots, you can use a little more pressure or a small amount of the vinegar solution directly on the stain.

Use the Squeegee:

Start at the top corner of the window. Pull the squeegee down in a straight line.

Wipe the squeegee blade with a clean, dry cloth after each pass to prevent streaks.

Overlap each pass slightly to ensure all the water is removed.

Dry the Edges:

Use a dry, lint-free cloth to wipe around the edges of the window where water might have collected. This will help prevent water spots.

Check for Streaks:

Once the window is dry, look for any streaks or spots you might have missed. If you see any, use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to buff them away.

Clean the Window Frames:

Don’t forget the window frames! Use the same soapy water and a cloth to wipe down the frames, then dry them with a clean towel.

Extra Tips for Streak-Free Windows:

Clean on a Cloudy Day:

Sunlight can make the cleaning solution dry too quickly, causing streaks. Choose a cloudy day for the best results.

Use the Right Cloths:

Microfiber cloths are ideal because they are absorbent and don’t leave lint behind. Avoid using paper towels, which can leave fibers and streaks.


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